Ringing in your ears is the most common symptom of tinnitus.
Ringing in your ears is the most common symptom of tinnitus. At a minimum, the ringing is annoying and can drown out everyday sounds. Severe tinnitus can also be loud enough to keep you from sleeping, and can cause dizziness and nausea.
Ringing in your ears can be annoying — or unbearable
In some cases, allergies and congestion in your nasal passages can cause tinnitus or make it worse. But more often, tinnitus is a symptom of hearing loss. Either way, the smart thing to do is to have us test your hearing right away. We can discuss your treatment options.
Vertigo, or what some people just call dizziness, is caused by a disease affecting your inner ear, which helps you stay upright and balanced. The whirling and spinning of vertigo can cause balance issues and increase your chances of falling. That’s the last thing anyone wants; unfortunately, the incidence of falls increases when you’re over 65.
If you or a loved one experience vertigo, call us to get your hearing checked as soon as possible. We will give you a professional diagnosis and a treatment plan so you can maintain your balance and avoid injury.
1455 W. Court St.
Kankakee, IL 60901
815 939 2024
Mon & Wed: 9am-4:30pm (Staff only)
Tue & Thu: 8:30am-5pm (Doctor sees patients)
Fri: 9am-1pm (Staff only)
Fri: 2pm-5pm (Doctor sees patients)
Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm
29 West 34th St.
Steger, IL 60475
708 756 1767
Mon & Wed: 8:30am-5pm (Doctor sees patients)
Tue & Thu: 9am-4:30pm (Staff only)
Fri: 8:30am-12pm (Doctor sees patients)
Fri: 1pm-4:30pm (Staff only)
Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm